The Rootlets Manifesto

Learn about Rootlets culture & values

What Rootlets are about

  1. Root (Have Fun): We’re here to enjoy the ride. Rootlets take risks and always respect the pump.

  2. We’re Based: Say it like it is. We value straight talk, even if it means stirring the pot.

  3. Low-key and locked-in: Rootlets don’t flex, they lock-in.

  4. Builders Win Big: Rootlets know that nothing is guaranteed and that everything has to be earned, but that those who make that effort will see asymmetric upside.

  5. The art is good tho: We rep rootlets wherever we go.

Principles we’ll be pushing

  • 1 Rootlet = 1 Rootlet. Keep them cozy in one wallet if that’s what you want.

  • Twitter and Discord verification. Rootlets don’t have time for that.

  • There’s no shame in selling, but if you list, make sure to list it at a good price!

Welcome to Rootlets -> Get ready, let's root!

Holder Snapshot

Last taken: September 16th, 2024


Last updated